Monday, 14 November 2016

Nothing better than an Autumn walk...

Nothing better than an Autumn walk...

I've had a week off from university and I took full advantage of it. Going home for a couple of days to see the family and then staying at my boyfriends parents for a few nights. They own a gorgeous black Labrador called louis and we decided to take him for a walk and a run around.

Here are a few snaps I captured while we explored:

View from the Gog Magogs (Cambridge)

Exploring in the garden!


I love these pictures one, because my new Iphone camera is so much better than my old phone and two, because they capture amazing moments to remember!

Have you been on an Autumn walk yet? What pictures have you taken?


ChristyJane x

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

When you're struggling but need to keep on going...

I'm back with a post after many many months.
I can't really remember why I suddenly stopped... except the fact I had A LOT of university work to be getting on with. I put the energy I had for my posts into assignments and revision.
After my first year at uni had come to an end I didn't come back to my weekly blogging schedule.

As Rihanna would say... WORK, WORK WORK, WORK, WORK!

5 days a week, throughout the whole of my "summer holidays", break from assignments. I say " summer holidays" because it really didn't feel like I even had one. All I did was eat, work, sleep and guess what... repeat!
I'm not complaining though as my bank account became very happy at the end of each month.

I'm all back and settled at university again for my second year, already very different from last year.

Anyway, onto the point I'm trying to make this post about... struggling, but knowing you have to keep going.

The first few weeks of uni was a doddle, as always, but now assignments are due every couple weeks. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but the amount of time spent on each can be ridiculous.

It's hard, really hard. I'm struggling quit a lot, even if I don't show it.

It's difficult trying to explain what I mean. It's sort of like not wanting to carry on because it's so much effort over a long period of time, having no energy to do all that is needed of yourself. Feeling a bit pathetic and useless because you don't know what is being said in lectures half the time. To be totally honest I just want to be at home with my family and my cat. However sad that may sound I really mean it.

This time last year I recall feeling very similar. I even remember wanting quit uni altogether because I hated the lifestyle I was living. I've recently thought about it and I think the dark early mornings and short lit days do not help.

I've lived away from home for about a year and a half all together now and I've learnt to deal with feeling miserable whenever I become so. Yes, you're allowed to be sad and sometimes its good to have a cry to let all those bottled up emotions out.
But who really wants to be sad? Not me, so I just try my best and ignore myself in a way. Tell myself to stop being such a baby and get on with what needs to be done. ( most of the time).

I've found ways which personally help me to forget when I'm struggling:

  1. Base yourself around people: Being on my own in my bedroom made me feel lonely. So hang out with your house mates or uni course friends, it will take your mind of it for sure.
  2. Pamper yourself: This is aimed more towards girls. Put on a face mask, do your nails, a warm relaxing bath/shower or ALL THREE! Doing this put me in a better state of mind. In a way it made me feel as if I had recharged my batteries, ready to go again.
  3. Sleep: Another obvious way to recharge your batteries. When I felt glum or had no energy to do assignments I made sure I had an early night so I was ready and awake in the morning. Doing assignments while half asleep was not good as they probably didn't turn out with the best grade.
  4. Start assignments early: From last year, I have learnt to follow this rule. Rushing assignments the night before hand in day was not clever. Give yourself time to think things over instead of writing any old Bull sh*t down.
  5. You only have 3 years to enjoy this time, so enjoy it: Think to yourself that you won't be at uni forever, so make the most of it. Like one of my old school teachers used to say ( wow, that was 3 years ago and that went super fast) "work hard but party harder".
Writing this post is also helping me as well as others. Realizing uni isn't all doom and gloom, just stay positive!

I'd like to know if any other students are struggling with uni at the moment and how you cope!


ChristyJane x 

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Feeling The Stripes This Spring

Spring has finally arrived and I'm definitely feeling like it!
I've never really had stripey tops but since joining university I've seemed to have accumulated quite a collection. No idea how.

I woke up feeling fresh so was motivated to go out and about. Giving me the idea to shoot some photos of one of my newly bought stripey tops! 

A simple and casual look for days just like today!

Top //
Jeans // Topshop
Sunglasses // Primark
Trainers // Converse // Schuh
Watch // Olivia Burton 

Hope you enjoyed reading!


ChristyJane x

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

My DECHOX journey - Week 3

I have had such a busy week I can't even remember most of it.

This week I won't go through day by day purely because It would take too long.

As it's getting closer to Easter I feel the need to want to eat chocolate. Especially as my Gran gave the family an egg and its sitting in the living room staring at me. 
So by that you can guess I've traveled back to Norfolk for the Easter holiday. Although I'm back in Cambs for the weekend for work, then back home again on the Monday. Looking forward to a roast though. 

I'm over half way of my DECHOX and it's going extremely well with only 9 days left until I can eat chocolate again, yay! 
I have a found a way that suits me if I do get the odd craving. Tea. I drink green tea. It fills me up and even though it's not sugary it still stops it. 

Here are a couple of photos from this week. 

Don't forget to sponsor/donate at the link below!


ChristyJane x

Monday, 14 March 2016

My DECHOX journey - week 2

Monday 7th March 2016

Today was the first day I've had a lay in in a long time and I took full advantage of it! I went to the gym this evening. Is it just me but after being at the gym you feel the need to not eat junk food? I get it every time which is a bonus, no chocolate cravings for me!

Tuesday 8th March 2016

My mum, the supporter that she has been all my life. However, today she decided to text me asking how my DECHOX was going. So of course I told her. Not knowing that she'd then start chatting to me about Easter eggs. Thanks mum. She asked me how I'd if she sat there eating an Easter egg in front of me when I go back to Norfolk for the Easter holidays. She kept asking me if I was tempted to eat some chocolate... loving the support mum :').

Wednesday 9th March 2016

Another day off, yay! Though obviously the evening spent as revs as per usual. Today was an easy day. Although, going to revs is a little risky as a friend may suddenly buy a white chocolate shot. Don't worry I didn't have one, I luckily remembered about being on the DECHOX.

Thursday 10th March 2016

I've been on the DECHOX for 10 whole days! After an eventful night I made it to my 2pm lecture. Not feeling the best I must admit but I still got there. Snacking on cocktail sausages as the 2 hours past.

Friday 11th March 2016

Another afternoon lecture for a good 3 hours. Being hungry at break time I went to the vending machine. It was full on chocolate bars, oh gosh the temptation. I went for the good old pack of fruitella to give me an energy boost for the next hour on the computers.

Saturday 12th March 2016

I had work today, what a surprise. although it was only a 4 hour shift because Saturday isn't a busy day normally. Getting no break as no need for it, stopping me from being tempted to buy any kind of chocolate from the Sainsbury's store next door. Although it's not chocolate I am craving Haribo.

Sunday 13th March 2016

Having a long and tiring day at work was not the one. 11am- 5:30pm with no food... Once I regained the energy in the evening I made myself a yummy curry. Also somehow managing to go the the gym at half 12 at night!

This weeks conclusion...

Strangely I haven't wanted to eat chocolate. If I've craved anything it's probably like chewy sweets, so I gave in Saturday night and I bought some Haribo :) Here goes week 3!

Don't forget to donate at:


ChristyJane x

Monday, 7 March 2016

My DECHOX Journey - Week 1

Tuesday 1st March 2016

Today is my first day of DECHOX. I had my final peice of chocolate last night at about half 11 with 30 minutes left. I've been at uni all day so haven't been thinking about it too much. In sport psychology my friend had a cream egg and layed it on the table in front of me. Such a tease. So far so good.

Wednesday 2nd March 2016

Day 2 of DECHOX! Today went rather well. I had a house viewing for a potential house for next year, loved it. Went into the flat upstairs and they still had the chocolate chip cookies on the side which I gave the day before the DECHOX. Extremely teasing. Although, I haven't actually been craving chocolate. BONUS.I'm sure I will at Easter though when I'm back in Norfolk and all the family are eating Easter eggs!

Thursday 3rd March 2016

I had uni most of the afternoon. Not craving chocolate at all! Yay! I've had more donations/sponsors which I'm very happy about! Target being £100 and up to £90 already! Keep them coming! 

Friday 4th March 2016

Today was dangerous! I was in my lecture and a fellow colleague sitting in the row in front of me turned around. He offered me magic stars, he had a whole bag full! I almost took a couple when I them remembered I was on the DECHOX, very very close call. apart from that mishap it's still going well! 

Saturday 5th March 2016

I had work most of the day and don't get a break so there was no time to eat which lessened the chance of accidentally eating chocolate. 

Sunday 6th March 2016

Again, I had work all day, being on my feet for the time that I was was a killer. Have you ever felt that worn out that you don't even feel hungry or bothered to even eat? That was me yesterday. Though after a good rest I perked up and had some chocolate free dinner... Not that I have chocolate for dinner anyway... but you get point!

In conclusion... (sounds like i'm writing an essay)
For this whole week I haven't craved chocolate, Yes, of course I've thought about the delicious substance a few times but nothing is stopping me from completing this journey. The flat that live above me some of them are supporting me in this journey by also not eating chocolate. They aren't officially DECHOXing but it does spread awareness. Also as they won't be eating chocolate around me it won't tempt me!

This weeks post will only be 6 days as I started on Tuesday last week. The other posts will have seven as it will include a Monday!

Are any off you doing the DECHOX? If so how are you getting on, let me know in the comment section! 

Good luck to all fellow DECHOXERS and keep the donations coming in!


ChristyJane x

Monday, 29 February 2016

I'm DECHOXING for The British Heart Foundation

'What's DECHOXING?' you may be asking...

Starting from tomorrow (Tuesday 1st March) I and hundreds of others around the UK will be DECHOXING for the entire month of March for The British Heart Foundation.

For those of you who don't know what this is, it's about not eating any form of chocolate for a whole month. This is to raise money for the cause for people with chronic heart disease.

Not eating chocolate for a whole month is going to be hard. Mainly because Easter is at the end of the month, oh no. However, I feel very strongly about this foundation as my Dad passed away 5 years ago from a major heart attack, so that will edge me on to complete it.

The point of this is to raise as much money as possible. So I have a Just Giving page where you can sponsor me/donate to the British Heart Foundation. Link below:

Any donations will be extremely appreciated by both me and the foundation!




P.S I'm having a chocolate day with my best friend today for the last time for a month :P

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