Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I hate colds!

I have the worst cold right now. Tickleing throught which makes me cough until I can't breath. Sneezing until  my insides fall out and wake up to horrible headaches!!
I found out that you never catch the same cold twice, which I find interesting because each one I have feel exactley the same.
The last time I remeber having a cold this bad was when I think I was in year 9. That was the worst. Couldn't breath without getting flem to block up my airways!
I have been using vitimin C tablets for ages but obviously couldn't beat this bacteria!
I resorted in having a hot lemon :(

Empty cup of what was hot lemon!
During having my cold, I have been going through so many mock exams. 2 french, 1 sciences, 1 math and a porper controlled assessment today! I have lots more coming!
Wish me luck!


  1. get better soon & good luck with the rest of your exams... i hate being poorly :( xxx


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