I haven't done a blog for yonks! I haven't had any spare time and just completely forgot about it. The reason for this is GCSE's.
They take up so much of my time its unbelievable! Doing revision and homework most nights except from when I see Danny! I can't wait for the day I see him, not just so I don't do homework :P
My last blog about being in year 11 was about what it is like, but now..... It's all go.
That is all i'm hearing at the moment.
I am giving up sooo many lunchtimes, but it is for my own good!
I quite often fall asleep on the bus home.
Though I have counted how many weeks left until leavers day and you would not believe how close it actually is... 8 1/2 weeks including the Easter holidays! I'm nervous and scared yet excited.
I'm looking forward to leaving school and learning about what I want to learn (sport). I'm hopefully going to Easton collage to do Level 3 BTEC sport extended diploma and go in 4 days a week! Meeting new people is what I'm looking forward to the most!
Though at the same time I can safely say I'm shitting it! Going into the big wide world...
I know when I leave school I'm going to want to go straight back as that's what every year that has left have said so the feeling won't change for my year.
Sometimes I just want to be in year 8 again where it was all so much easier.
I'm defietley excited for prom, considering I already have my dress :P I'm hoping it will be a night to remember!
Younger years, you have been warned!
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