Later back in the year I wrote a post about what I'm looking forward to in 2015
click here for a recap!
So I've been on my college trip to France which was an absolutely amazing holiday, one I will never forget.
However, the other thing I was looking forward to was going to university. When I wrote back in January time I was only just thinking about university.... But now, I'm actually, really , truly going to Anglia Ruskin in Cambridge.
So surreal.
I didn't know if I'd get the grade I needed for the course (sports science) about 5 months ago. Though, about 3/4 weeks ago I finished my 2 Year college course of Level 3 Btec Sport and came out with a higher grade that I needed for uni (and of what I expected)... So I was in no matter what now.
I only have about 2 months until I move out to Cambridge. I'm nervous, scared, excited and just can't wait for the experience as a whole!
Since high school teachers are always like, "are you thinking of going to uni?" Or "do you know what you want to do in the future?" And every time my answer was 'I'm not sure". I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do...except from being in the sport industry.
I think asking so early on was a bit forward and I kind of felt a bit pressured into giving a set answer. I didn't know how my GCSE s would go or my college course so saying something and sticking with it was a bit difficult :').
I only applied for this uni course in January... Emphasis on 'only applied for this uni course'. I only applied for one university on a last minute thing, I was talking about it to a friend and they recommended the uni course, so I applied, just to see what happened. If we didn't have that conversation I wouldn't be writing this post.
I don't think that you or anyone else can plan exactly how your future is going to turn out. I guess you can give yourself a drafted route to walk along but you can't see what's in the distance until you take steps.
I have my finances sorted out. I've made little progress with packing. I've virtually met some of my flat mates. I also have my best friend living on the floor above me for the oncoming year.
Life is a roller coaster.
ChristyJane x
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