Thursday, 13 June 2013

Cupcake recipe- Easy Peasy!

The recipe I am about to share with you was my mum's when she was in school, it is so good...
 To make these cupcakes you need;

  • 8 ounces-caster sugar 
  • 4 ounces-soft fat (stork margarine)
  • 8 ounces-self raising flour
  • 4 eggs
  • Betty Crockers vanilla icing (or any flavor you prefer)
  • The sprinkle factory-sweet treats
  • Cupcake cases
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180-190 degrees.
  2. Cream together the caster sugar and margarine until white and fluffy.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat whisk until airy.
  4. Alternately, (beating after each) add the egg and sieved flour to the creamed mixture.
  5.  Beat well until aired enough.
  6. Place equal amounts into your cupcake cases
  7. Cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  8. Wait for them to completely cool before adding the decoration. 
  9. Once cooled, add as much or as little frosting as you like. To get the swirl effect use the end and the side of the knife and go round from the outside to the center of the cupcake.
  10. Add whatever decorations you want to get your perfect final look.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

My Easter childhood!

Where do I begin?
Easter Sunday when I was a little Christy was the most exciting thing! I used to get so much chocolate it was unbelievable.
The night before mum and dad would hide loads of mini eggs, creme eggs and little Easter treats around the house for me, Ryan and Rory to hunt for in the morning! It never mattered who got the most in there basket because we always ended up sharing them out equally.
Though the best part was trying to find the BIG eggs! Mum and Dad always made clues to where they were, from one egg to the other! Once I remember they hid one in dads van!

I have an egg that I miss the most though! The cadburys "dream" Easter egg.
I can not describe how good this egg was. I always used to leave it till last so that I could just stare at it in astonishment!

I am proud to admit that last year I did do an Easter egg hunt, unfortunetly that was my last. This year even though i'm 16 I would have loved to do it still. It brings back all my childhood memories.

This year I received an aero from  my Auntie, lindtt-lindor from Danny,Chick and Bunny from mum and also mini bags of mini eggs.
                                                  This is the whole family's eggs!
                                            And these are mine, I am a lucky girl :D

Happy Easter everybody!!

Friday, 22 March 2013

charity prefect

Mufti days. They are never organised as well as you hope they would be.

Our school are appalling at organising non-school uniform days this year. Mainly because of the charity prefect (aka one of my best friends). He signed up to be charity prefect quite happily like it was an easy job. He thought VERY wrong. The only mufti day that he has organised and which I can remember him organising was last year. He always says, I forgot or i didn't know anything about it... Your not meant to "know" about it, your meant to make it up yourself, UNBELIEVABLE!
 I do love him though.
Fortunetly we have a mufti day this coming Wednesday for the whole school (because of the constant complaining) but also have a massive whole school assembly in the hall haha!

MESSAGE to Toby:- Organise non school uniform days for year 11's to raise for prom, much appreciated! Love you tibbs.
 Here is me and the "so called" charity prefect :D

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Year 11 part 2

I haven't done a blog for yonks! I haven't had any spare time and just completely forgot about it. The reason for this is GCSE's.

They take up so much of my time its unbelievable! Doing revision and homework most nights except from when I see Danny! I can't wait for the day I see him, not just so I don't do homework :P

My last blog about being in year 11 was about what it is like, but now..... It's all go.


That is all i'm hearing at the moment.
I am giving up sooo many lunchtimes, but it is for my own good!
I quite often fall asleep on the bus home.

Though I have counted how many weeks left until leavers day and you would not believe how close it actually is... 8 1/2 weeks including the Easter holidays! I'm nervous and scared yet excited.
I'm looking forward to leaving school and learning about what I want to learn (sport). I'm hopefully going to Easton collage to do Level 3 BTEC sport extended diploma and go in 4 days a week! Meeting new people is what I'm looking forward to the most!
Though at the same time I can safely say I'm shitting it! Going into the big wide world...
I know when I leave school I'm going to want to go straight back as that's what every year that has left have said so the feeling won't change for my year.
Sometimes I just want to be in year 8 again where it was all so much easier.

I'm defietley excited for prom, considering I already have my dress :P I'm hoping it will be a night to remember!

 Younger years, you have been warned!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Sparkly nails!

I'm always trying to find a new way to decorate my nails. I normally don't have much time to experiment or get used to something as I  have school but thankfully it is half term this week. So far I have got red sparkly nails.

Here is how to do them:

Step 1: First of all you need to apply a base coat to your nails. I use 'Rimmel 5 in 1' shown below.

`Step 2: Allow base coat to dry. Once dry, apply bright red nail polish. I use Double Decker Red by Rimmel London. Allow to dry thoroughly.
This is a really good nail polish as it is very chip resistant and you only need to apply one coat.
Step 3: Allow to dry thoroughly. Next, apply a see through sparkly nail polish, I used 'technic'. Shown below.
Step 4: Allow to dry. If you want to you can apply your base/top coat again to make sure your nails don't chip easily. Your nails should end up looking something like this.

These nails are so quick an easy to do. Great for a night out when your in a rush.
You can use any colours you want... You can even try multicoloured!!
Send me your pictures of what you have done or leave a comment at what you want me to do next at: 

Friday, 15 February 2013

My geography trip 15/02/13

                                                       My poor converese
Oh dear :S
I went on a geography trip today to Cromer and Overstrand to see what would be lost if the sea defences weren't there or maintained enough. For the trip I wore my WHITE converse, WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!? They are sooo muddy!
My poor converese!! (washing machine they go!)
It took about half an hour to get to Cromer as the bus driver was old and grumpy. We finally got their and off we went, we did our work which included asking shop keepers surveys about the sea defences,  me, megan, lauren, jess and sophie went into a sports shop and ask this middle aged man if we could ask him some questions and even without finishing what we had to say he was like "No, I wont answer them" SORRY! we are only teenagers trying to get information for our coursework! HOW RUDE! Anyway, after we did our work we went and got a baguette from "The baguette shop"(very unique;))  I also went and bought some rock which costedb£2.50 for 2 peices so I paid with a £20 note! :DD mwahah!!
There always has to be a last group to the bus and guessing who it was...It was Toby (tibbs) I had to call him multiple times until he picked up!!Typical boy!
As we arrived at Overstrand it became even windier and colder! We spent about 30 mins doing our work and for the rest of the hour we played in the park. This resulted in me getting injured just as we were about to leave!
I stupidly grazed my knee as I fell of a roundabout in the park

By being in the park for about an hour, towards the end I grazed by knee. I was just casually sitting on the roundabout and as boys would. they decided to spin my round and it felt as if I was going round quicker than anything! I started to slide of the edge laughing but feeling sick at the same time and I just couldn't hang on any longer. I flew of and started laughing but also crying with pain. It HURT big time. That taught me. I got on the bus and left my graze to get some air but it stung all the way back to school :( bad times. It has finally started to heal now and has stopped bleeding. I really don't like roundabouts!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Summer body!

Us teenage girls all wish for that flat, summer body. But most of us don't really work for it, I know I haven't in the past and have just expected it!
Though for for this summer holiday I am willing to accept the challenge. My friends Danee and Lucy have just joined the Victory gym in North Walsham, I'm jelouse as I can't afford it :(.

Until Summer I am willing to go either jogging, on mondays after school do fitness (which I did today) or go on my wii fit but work at a very high intensity for atleast 4 times a week! I know after a while I will get very bored of working out and all that! But i'm hoping you will send me messages to help motivate me! As it gets lighter I will start to go jogging in the evenings after school, either on my own or with a friend or my boyfriend!

The thought of actually having a healthy flat tummy has been in my dreams for all my high school life! Though when it comes to my last year I'm taking full action!

I'm also debating whether to get my belly peirced or not! Please comment to help me make up my decision! All will be appreciated!


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Life in year 11

Being in year 11 has come way too quickly! I never thought it would be so close to the end of my time at school!
Even being in year 10 was stressful but not as much as year 11.
I'm doing homework or practising my coursework every evening or reading "about a boy" for English and having to write notes on it.

The start of year 11 was so scary to me, thinking we don't even have a full year of school left!
In some subjects I'm getting on really well.
  • For example my BTEC sport, mostly because it's all assignments which I can cope so much better with than subjects leading up to a proper exam!So far in my BTEC work I have got a merit in every single unit, Though if I have time I can carry on and try and get distinctions.
  • I also do Geography for a GCSE. There are 4 sections, dynamic planet, People and planet and 2 peices of course work. I did dynamic planet on foundation and got a C so i decided not to retake. In my recent People and planet exam I did it in higher, (even though it was a harder subject) it was easier to get a higher mark! I am currently working on my coursework, but luckerly it's not all in the classroom as we get a fieldtrip to Cromer and Overstrand!
  • My third choice was French!!! I ask myself every lesson "why did I take this? I thought I needed it  but I dont!" I want to become a physiotherapist when I'm older, so I'm not sure what I was thinking!!! French is sooooo difficult. I did a recent Mock exam and in the higher paper I got ungraded!! :(
I already have my prom dress!!!EEKK! so excited but scared at the same time. I feels like my year should always be a school and should not be growing up!!

I haven't as yet sorted any kind of transport for leavers day or prom! That reminds me... Need to get hair appointments booked!!!
Year 10s I advise you to do revision or actually do your homework! Also as Mr. O says "The harder you work this year, the easier the rest of your life will be"

Also go to any revision class you can and ask P.E teachers if you could practice your chosen GCSE sport at a lunch time club! will defiently help!!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

I hate colds!

I have the worst cold right now. Tickleing throught which makes me cough until I can't breath. Sneezing until  my insides fall out and wake up to horrible headaches!!
I found out that you never catch the same cold twice, which I find interesting because each one I have feel exactley the same.
The last time I remeber having a cold this bad was when I think I was in year 9. That was the worst. Couldn't breath without getting flem to block up my airways!
I have been using vitimin C tablets for ages but obviously couldn't beat this bacteria!
I resorted in having a hot lemon :(

Empty cup of what was hot lemon!
During having my cold, I have been going through so many mock exams. 2 french, 1 sciences, 1 math and a porper controlled assessment today! I have lots more coming!
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

I love shabby chic and retro!

When I was younger I used to own hundreds of barbies. They used to be standing on my window sill or either on my shelfs. Everything I owned and wore was pink. Pink walls, pink clothes, pink pink PINK! Though when I moved to my present house I started to think "I'm too cool for barbies" so my room tunred purple and my bed turned purple. But obviously I got bored of that too and thought it was too girly so the walls tunred lime green and hot pink... WHAT WAS I THINKING!! Though now luckerly I have sorted myself out ans stuck with Wiillow green!

I have a massive obbsession with shabby chic anything! From furniture to duvets. I started collecting little things like wooden willow hearts, garlands and a duvet. I even painted my room willow green!
Alot of my things have flowers on like my duvets, curtains and bed throw... Roses mostley!
One of my favourite things is my chest of draws. I got it from an antique shop down magdalen street in Norwich. A bargin of only £35! I also got another set of draws for £35, was well worth it!

This is my chest of draws I got from the antique shop!
I absolutley love it!
 These are my wicker draws.

These are hanging hearts which I got from Scarborough. That must be one of the best weeks of my life, I reccomend it!
 This is a wooden hanging heart, it has a metal center.
 These draws are the other ones I got from the antique shop, They are just so vintage!!
 This is a "LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH" garland I got from the Norfolk Show last year!
 My mum got me this for my birthday about 2 years ago, I wish I could!
 I've had these curtains for about 3 years now. I got them from Paul simmon (next to PC world), I just love the pattern and ofcourse the colours!
 I got this wicker washing basket not too long ago. It came from that little shop next to the old vintage cars in Wroxham. Though sadly it had gone bust and had to close down. A bargin of £15 considerying it's ... Lloyd Loom!
 My mum got me this, It's to hold photos in but I don't because they would cover it up!
This came from a place down south which my mum got me when she went on a little trip!
 This "HOME" canvas I have had for years. I love it.
 These little draws I got my for 15th birthday, they came from amazon and as soon as I saw them I fell straight in love!
 This wooden heart I got recently for my 16th birthday from my mum!
 These hanging wooden hearts Danny got me for my 16th birthday, how cute!
 I've had this throw for about 2 years now! I got it from TK MAXX, It's gorgeous!

This is my last peice that I have to show you. My perfume bottle necklace! Only £3 in the New Look sale!
So this what my big obsession is all about! I'm always on the look out for more!
Thanks for reading my blog! =D

Monday, 28 January 2013


Started my day with a horrible 1 hour and 45 minute maths exam.:(
We were all put on higher which wasn't a good idea because I did absolutley awful... Nothing more to be said.

Also had a french mock exam which included doing a foundation and a higher paper!!
Though during the end (because I was sat infront of abi) abi started platting my hair :P CUTE!

Started my Geography coursework today, realising how I would prefer to study for an actual exam rather than doing coursework!! Though we do get to go to Cromer and Overstrand beaches!

This photo made my day!!!!!

Little Bumbles face!!!!! HAHA
Cooked meatballs and spag bog!! yum yum!!
Watching you've been framed is the best thing to cheer you up!x


Saturday, 26 January 2013


The weekend!!!!! finally, though the revision continous...

Watched "Letters to Juliet" and now watching "Home of the range"... DISNEY!!

Started my day will a banging headache! So I took some ibruprofen, they look like pink smarties!!!

Went to Tesco to get some flowers for my dad. After we got back me and Danny walked up to Smallburgh church and gave him the daffodils. Miss him x

Headache as some how found its way back!

Ryan and Danny went to BetFred but it's not looking too good!... Bad times!!!

Atleast the temperature is above freezing and that the sun is out! Definetley felt the warmth today!

Wish it was summer already and my GCSE's were all over :(

Willow found somewhere compfy to put herself!

Friday, 25 January 2013


Had my geography exam first thing, about people and the planet.
I did it on Higher tier instead of foundation this time. Though luckerly it's easier to get a higher mark in this exam than the last which was on dynamic planet. As i write this my hands are slowing freezing up :(.

I've had the worst few days. Not being able to make decisions. But DEEP DEEP down I finally knew what I wanted and I'm going to stick with it!!! Fresh Start :DDDDDDD. My bestests were so good at supporting me and still are, I thankyou for that.

Got home and got straight into my joggers and my Rolling stones T-shirt. Very very compfy now!!
My brothers snail turned upside down somehow.

I've painted my nails mint green (one of my favourite colours!)

Looking forward to my weekend!!! EEKK!!! :D xxx

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Today started well... Forgetting that it was one of my best mates birthday and having to me reminded when he left the room by my bestest ABI!!!!! D:
Sorry tibbs!
Though for his birthday he recieved..
  • His CBT
  • Money (which he is going to buy a new phone with)
  • Lindt which he did not share!!
That's all I can remember:O

Ict was 3 period..
We all actually got on with some work. This I think happened was because my bestfriend Jenni wasn't present as she missed the bus and her car has broken down. She should have walked so i could see her beautiful face!

Yesterday, my whole year had a talk to my all senior staff about our GCSE's and how most people aren't putting enough effort in. I'm willing to say I am.
Though I know most people won't take any notice of what they say.

I've realised that 2013 has started of as a gooden and hoping it goes on brilliantly!

Last night I thought what I was going to wear for danee and lucy's party.
My pink peplum top, leggings and heels!?!?
None of my friends know what they are wearing yet. Maybe I'm just a little bit excited!! :D

On the bus home from school, had a nice conversation:D

copy this website..


Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Nearly slipped on my rear while walking to my bus stop this morning...not so enjoyable!

When I finally got to form, I had a little chat with my girlies. They always make me feel better :D
Chemistry first thing. Forgot to do my homework didn't I! So that resorted in me going back at break.
DOUBLE french was a drag... My teacher wasn't in the bestest of moods. Shouting at someone because they were talking about FIFA to another student... Which I can understand as FIFA is the most socail life draw back ever. EVER.

Oh and ryan just told me he didn't answer the phone to some holiday house people because he was on FIFA... typical.

I don't mind playing the game... It's just when my boyfriend and brother talk about it all the time. That's all they talk about, so I just leave them to it and go cook tea!

So yeh, Double Btec 4th and 5th lesson. That was amusing. "Omg don't I try, I try all the time, In this instatution"- you know who you are.
Also the other P.E decided to take a bunch of year tens outside onto the feild to have a snowball fight... As you do. So my teacher, head of P.E, went to tell the other 2 teachers off :P

Oh I love my friends .....

Photo: Oh yes!! furry hoodies!!

I'm currently waiting to go off to grans for a roast dinner!!! eeeeekk!!!!!!!!

Monday, 21 January 2013

My week

Okay, so it's been snowing for a week now and I'm still loving it.
Having a 4 day weekend is the most amazing thing right now with all the mocks and real exams coming up!
(As I write this I'm nibbling on some parma violets...they are most wonderful!)

My mum left for Mexico on wednesday. She will be back in 9 days. I rang her the night before she flew from Gatwick Airport. Telling her how nervous I was for my exam I had the next day. Her telling me just to revise as best you can and try and stay calm.Physics. I also was revising for th English controlled assessment but it was called of because of the lack of lessons, also missing it today as the school is once again closed.
So anyway, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I started to cry, realising how much I would miss her and how different it will be. But then I remembered what she said "all you can do is your best". I maned up and started to revise.

Ryan, Rory, Becca, Danny and I were having a snowball fight which lead to me getting hit on the side of my face which resulted in me breaking a snowball up onto ryans bed. Though for me it didn't end well as when I hadn't the slightest clue, Ryan ran upstairs and smothered my bed with snow.
Took about 20mins to dry it with a hair dryer -.-
The house is now a total mess in which I mean covered in snow and muddy.

Heat is so distant from my house. Comes on at half 6 in the morning then 4 thirty till 11 in the evening, though at a very low temperature I must add. I feel the cold alot as it is =(.

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