Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Eczema sufferers!

Unfortunately I am lucky enough to have inherited eczema down from my gran to my mum and then to me. I have dealt with it all my life and it's getting to the point where it's starting to really bug me!
I have recently been having a lot of flair ups on my face and my arms. This is very annoying on my face as it looks dry and red , therefore I am unable to wear much make-up if any atall as is makes it look even worse! Girls I sympathise with you there! I'm only getting eczema on my left arm in the elbow crease but what ever I do it always seems to come back recently.
I have a special cream/ointment to put on, however my body has seemed to become immune to it so it  doesn't really help anymore.

There are many triggers to worsen eczema and my biggest one is cows milk. I've had to drink goats milk since I was the age of about 7 years old. Sometimes I do have to drink cows milk and when I do I definitely notice the difference. In the space between a couple of hours to 24 hours I can get very itching or just start to become red in patchy areas.

Winter is also a big no for me. This is when my eczema comes at it's worse because the air is so cold, dry and when there is a cold wind it really makes it's uses to make my eczema the worst it can be! Don't wash your skin every single day as this will dry it out and make it worse!

I've also heard that having an unbalanced diet can cause inflammation to the skin.

Eczema comes from deep within the skin so keeping moisturised is a big must, even if it's not been appointed by the doctors. I have also noticed that having very hot showers/baths can make the skin very dry and crusty so I make sure that the water is warm to lukewarm to avoid this from happening.

One thing I have had to change is my face moisturiser. I used to use one which had a lot of chemicals in but now I have switched to 'simple' as it doesn't have as many. I don't apply it to the affected areas as it does still sting a little. I've also heard that tea tree oil is a good healing remedy for when your soaking in the bath. Don't use soaps and shower gels which will irritate your skin, use natural ones even though they can be quite expensive. Though would you rather  have itchy red skin or beautiful smooth skin! I know which I would pick!

The fact that I've suffered from eczema all my life is that I'm used to it, I've defiantly gotten better and out grown it a bit from when I was a small person! My biggest tip is to try extremely hard not to itch , even hogue it is the best itch in the world, you must resist!

If anyone else has any tips to treat eczema please share your ideas!

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