Monday, 9 June 2014

Work experience at my old high school

For one of my units I have to do work experience in a sport based environment.  I have chosen to go to my school which I left last year!
I'm going to be there for 2 weeks, learning how and what P.E teaching consists of through a teachers point of view.

For my first day I was at school allday, periods 1-5. I loved it. I was outside allday helping out with tennis, rounders and softball.
I took two warm ups for year 7s and 8s who were all lovely! I also helped with another teaching assistant to take a rounders session.

Being back at school after about a year is very strange. Lots of people look so different and lots of things have changed in such a small amount of time! Seeing all my old teachers is so lovely, especially when they give you relationship advice. Also every teacher I see asks "what college do you go to then?" Saying the same thing about 10 times does get a bit tedious! However, the weirdest thing is that I get to call the teachers by their first names, I'm so used to calling them miss or sir that it doesn't feel right to call them by their forename!

None the less I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks to learn as much as I can, in both teaching and knowledge and understanding of different sports!

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